10Prestone TSB for Training130009252017

CATALOG NUMBER 10 www.midwestwheel.com NLINE www.midwestwheel.com Order NLINE ™ Technical Service Bulletin PCTSB-2017-01 There are four basic heavy duty coolant formulation technologies: • Inorganic Additive technology • Hybrid Organic Acid Technology • Nitrite Organic Acid Technology • Nitrite Free Organic Acid Technology There are other coolant technologies but they pertain to Automotive Light and Medium Duty vehicles. Inorganic Additive Technology Coolant (IAT): Known as HD Conventional green; other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles, and other inorganic compounds. This type of coolant formulation is not used today in factory fill. When used in a HD application during a complete fill SCA must be added to bring inhibitor levels up to proper protection. The HD technician must monitor and recharge the coolant, when necessary, for proper protection. The optimum change interval for this type of coolant is 3000 hours, 1 year, or 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The change interval would be based on the OE manufacturer recommended preventative maintenance schedule. HD Extended Service Interval Coolant (IAT): This is also an inorganic additive technology coolant known as an ESI type coolant. This formulation may still be used for factory fill in some heavy duty cooling systems. When following TMC recommend practices the color should be purple, pink or blue, but other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles and other inorganic compounds. ESI coolants are pre-charged with the acceptable levels of inhibitors and SCAs do not need to be added at initial fill or after a proper flush and fill. Supplemental Coolant Additives must be monitored and recharged when necessary. It is recommended that ESI coolants have a lab analysis completed at least once a year to monitor ethylene glycol condition and for contaminates, such as, metals, corrosion by-products, and outside contaminates. Lab analysis can be used to determine coolant condition and change interval. Hybrid Organic Acid Technology Coolant (HOAT): This type of coolant is typically not used as heavy duty factory fill in the United States. HOAT coolants typically utilize a combination of organic acids and inorganic additives, such as, low silicate, nitrite and nitrate in the inhibitor package. HOAT coolant comes in multiple colors depending on the coolant manufacturer but are typically red and yellow. Following TMC Recommended Practice: RP-365 - Coolant Maintenance Guidelines preventative maintenance on a HOAT coolant is typically performed on an interval of 25,000 miles or as specified by the engine manufacturer, similar to an HD IAT coolant. Heavy Duty Coolant Technologies Overview Technical Service Bulletin Page 1 PCTSB-2017-01 PRESTONE PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1900 West Field Court, Lake Forest, IL 60045 ©2017 Prestone Products Corporation There are four basic heavy duty coolant formulation technologies: • Inorganic Additive technology • Hybrid Organic Acid Technology • Nitrite Organic Acid Technology • Nitrite Free Organic Acid Technology There are other coolant technologies but they pertain to Automotive Light and Medium Duty vehicles. Inorganic Additive Technology Coolant (IAT): Known as HD Conventional green; other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles, and other inorganic compounds. This type of coolant formulation is not used today in factory fill. When used in a HD application during a complete fill SCA must be added to bring inhibitor levels up to proper protection. The HD technician must monitor and recharge the coolant, when necessary, for proper protection. The optimum change interval for this type of coolant is 3000 hours, 1 year, or 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The change interval would be based on the OE manufacturer recommended preventative maintenance schedule. HD Extended Service Interval Coolant (IAT): This is also an inorganic additive technology coolant known as an ESI type coolant. This formulation may still be used for factory fill in some heavy duty cooling systems. When following TMC recommend practices the color should be purple, pink or blue, but other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or b rate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles and other inorganic compounds. ESI coolants are pre-charged with the acceptable levels of inhibitors and SCAs do not need to be added at initial fill r aft r a proper flush and fill. Supplemental Coolant Additives must be monitored and recharged when necessary. It is recommended that ESI coolants have a lab analysis completed at least once a year to monitor ethylene glycol condition and for co aminates, such as, metals, corrosion by-products, and outside contaminates. Lab analys can be used to determine coolant conditio a d change interval. Hybrid Orga ic Acid Technology Coolant (HOAT): Thi type of coolant is typically not used as heavy duty factory fill in the United States. HOAT coolants typically utilize a combination of organic acids and inorganic additiv s, such as, low silica e, nitrite d nitrate in the inhibitor package. HOAT coolant comes in multiple col rs depending on the c olant manufactur r but are typically red and yell w. Following TMC Recommended Practice: RP-365 - Coolant Maintenance Guidelines preventative maintenance on a HOAT coolant is typically performed on an interval of 25,000 miles or as specified by the engine manufacturer, similar to an HD IAT coolant. Heavy Duty Coolant Technologies Overview There are four basic heavy duty coolant formulation technologi s: • • Inorganic Additive technology • • Hybrid Organic Acid Technology • • Nitrite Organic Acid Technology • • Nitrite Free Organic Acid Techn logy There are oth r coolant technologi s bu they pertain to Automotive Light and Medium Duty vehicles. Inorganic Additive Technology Coolant (IAT): Known as HD Conventional gree ; other colors are used as well. This is a low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borate, nitrate, nitrite, azoles, and other inorganic compounds. This type of coolant formulation is not used today in factory fill. When used in a HD application during a complete fill SCA must be added to bring inhibitor levels up to proper protection. The HD technician must monitor an recharge the c olant, when necessary, for proper protection. The optimum change interval for this type o coolant is 3000 hour , 1 year, or 100,000 to 150,000 miles. The ch nge interval w uld be bas d on the OE manufacturer recom- mended preventative maintenance schedule. HD Exten ed Service Interv l Coolant (IAT): This is also an norganic additiv technology coolant k own as an ESI type coolant. This formulation may still be used for factory fill in some heavy duty cooling systems. When following TMC recommend practice the color should be pu ple, pink or blue, but other colors are used as well. This is low silicate formulation which may include Phosphate and/or borat , nitrat , nitrite, azoles and other inorganic compounds. ESI olants are pre-charged with the acceptable levels of inhibitors and SCAs do not need to b dd d at initial fill or after a proper flush a fill. Supplement l Coolant Additiv s ust be monit red and recharged w e n cessa y. It is recommended that ESI coolants have a l b analysis complet d at least once a year to monitor ethylene glycol condition and for contaminates, such as, metals, c rr sion by-products, and outside contaminates. Lab analysis can be used to determine coolant condition and cha ge interval. Hybrid Organic Acid Technology Co lant (HOAT): This type of coolant is typically not used as heavy duty fa tory fill in the United States. HOAT coolants typically util ze a combination of organic acids and inorganic additives, such as, low silicate, nitrite and nitrate in the inh bitor packag . HOAT coolant comes in multiple colors depending on the coolant manufacturer but are typically red and yellow. Following TMC Recommended Pr ctice: RP-365 - Coolant Maintenance Guid lines preventativ maintenance on a HOAT coola t is typically performed o an interv l of 25,000 miles or as specified by the engine manufacturer, similar to an HD IAT coolant.